Contact address:

Bromley Primary Schools Cross Country Association,
c/o Parish Primary School,

London Lane,

Kent BR1 4HF


Tel: 07814 038144



Saturday, 09.03.24

For results from our Y3/4 event in March, click 09.03.2024

For children who took part on 12.10.24
Cross Country Certificate October 2024.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [7.5 MB]

Stop press:

Exciting new sponsors for BPSCCA...

Next events:  

Y3/4 Championships - Saturday, 15th March 2025

Mini Marathon at Royal Greenwich Park, Sunday 12th May, 2024

Go to website...

Click here to see B.P.S.C.C.A.

Data Privacy Policy.

Press links:

News Shopper coverage of 11.03.17

News Shopper coverage of 21.11.15

News Shopper coverage of 22.11.14

Bromley Times coverage of 15.03.14


We're always anxious to receive feedback as to how people view our events and also how they might be improved...please download the attached form and upon completion, please return to the Association's address: BPSCCA, c/o Parish Primary School, London Lane, Bromley, BR1 4HF. Otherwise, e-mail: 

Feedback Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [161.9 KB]


After volunteering to help at the Crystal Palace Race last Saturday, we all found it more fun than expected. Before helping, I (Annabel) thought 'I'm not very good at motivating younger people'. However, my opinion quickly changed.

Personally, I (Miranda) found it hard to think of ways to keep the children running. I couldn't keep repeating 'keep going' or 'well done, you're at the end', but honestly, I think I did! By watching the races and seeing all of the exhausted faces, you automatically know what to say. You congratulate them, talk to them and take their minds off being tired. When the day was over, I found it all fun and glad I could help.

At the end of the day, I (Lorna) found it productive because I was always busy. Permanently, I was either making sure the correct schools arrive or encouraging children to achieve the best they can do in sport.


- Annabel, Miranda and Lorna

Langley Park Girls' Sport Leaders